Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Last clinic

So it is like a week later, but I wanted to talk about the last day of the semester. I saw a class II patient and finished 3 quads, but I can't begin to tell you how much better and more comfortable at scaling I feel. I don't feel like I'm trying to do it in the dark anymore. This semester was definately crazy and I am so looking forward to the summer, but I am really excited to come back to school and learn even more. HAGS everyone!(for Katie)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

bad start, good finish

So today was a very important day: scale 1 quad of a III and 1 of a II and the rest a senior was screening for boards. He had already came in and had OD and x-rays. He no-showed!! I called everyone I could think of and then remembered that my room-mate Carly had come in one time for Jackie for an OD. She said she wanted to wait to be cleaned until I needed her, so today was the day. We did a pano (which I offered to pay for) and then cleaned her 4 quads. I guess I'll definatley have 65 quads, but I'm praying that that class II/III will come back. But at least all I have left to do is: 2 PE's, 1 quad III, 3 quads II. I think that is manageable. I'm just counting down the days to where I can finally get some sleep and not worry whether or not my patient will show up the next day!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

hectic squared

today was the craziest day as of yet, but i have alot of people who helped keep my sanity! first I saw a 5 year old boy who needed sealants on all but one of his 1st molars and since I am done with sealant requirements 3 others got to join in the fun... It was fun to watch everyone's different ways of doing things, but 3 people trading took up a good amount of time and I didn't get my second 1a seated until 9:55! Kristen, God bless her, was my biggest help today. She helped me set up and take down and was practically my assistant! Her second patient which was my second 1a's brother had to cancel so she was done early. I am so happy to be done with 1a's now and can get my class II's done.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

"we have a gag situation"

Today was my first experience with a patient gagging in radiology. Salt really does help though. I thought I was going to come out of there with a fresh coat of barf. He was a 1B, but a hard 1B and it definately took me the entire appointment to finish him. Another first for me today was scaling sheet calculus, which was on 23-26B. I don't know how people can miss their front teeth with their toothbrush enough times to where calculus will form, but I never cease to be amazed. At least I'm done with 1b's and BWX now. Onward...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

stress free, well sort of...

I found my last class II patient today which was such a relief!! Now I either have finished or have scheduled all my requirements for the semester, now hopefully they all show up! Right now I'm really doubting if I'll get the "65 quads for an A," but there's still time... As far as everything else goes, I still need 1 BXW, 1 pano, 1 sealant, 1 vacation (I mean...), and 5 PE's left for the semester. Wedesday I am seeing a guy from my old job who could possibly be a class II, but I really have no idea. Maybe me and another girl could switch out if he is, I guess we'll see...