Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Another IB

So today went alright. Although my patient was 20 minutes late, I still got alot done. I got 4 pas and 2 quads (almost 3, but not quite). I'm kinda mad that I didn't finish him up, he's only a IB. Here are some excuses I'm allowing myself to tell myself (haha): 1. He was late, 2. His bp was 140/80 at first, so I waited for it to go down. 3. Although he didn't have a ton of calc., the stuff he did have was really hard to get off. I can come up with a gillion excuses, but usually it just comes down to me not having enough experience or organizational skills! :) I guess these are my goals for next time...


Ryan and Katie Poulsen said...

Wow 4 pa's and 2 quads. You were rockin'

The Pyper's! said...
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The Pyper's! said...

And even being late - that is so awesome that you are almost done!!